How does it work?
Quick sleep check -Free on-line sleep assessments can be completed in minutes and let you know immediately if you are at high risk for a sleep problem.

Sleep specialist review-If the initial sleep assessment show there is room to improve your sleep, you have the opportunity to complete a more detailed on-line sleep survey.
Your responses will be reviewed by a sleep specialist.
Personalized feedback-After taking the detailed sleep survey, you will receive a personalized recommendation letter outlining potential sleep problems and common
methods for diagnosis and treatment. Although we encourage you to share this information with your doctor, there is no obligation to seek care based on
this feedback.
Help connecting with care-The Wake Up and Learn team will provide you with a list of sleep specialists in your areas if you are interested in pursuing care.
Free tools and education-Educational resources and sleep-related health tools are available on the Wake Up and Learn website and during periodic presentations and