We have new link for our health advocate login, which is specific to LCIC. Please change your bookmark for health advocate to the new link.
Managing Your Energy
If I asked every person I knew would you like more energy? The resounding answer would be yes! Have you ever watched kids just playing for hours on end or the joy they have? We would love to harness that energy and keep it for days when we don’t feel our best. Take a quick read from health advocate on managing your energy.
May is Employee Health and Fitness Month
Global Employee Health and Fitness Month is an international event designed to celebrate and promote the benefits of healthy living both for employers and employees. It was founded in 1989 and takes place every May. Employers are encouraged to plan informational campaigns and activities to foster healthy behaviors at home and in the workplace.
So grab a coworker and take a walk, do some stretching in the hallway and encourage others to do the same, make meetings active by walking or participating in movement. There are plenty of activities you can do to incorporate movement throughout your workday.
Sleep Week-March 15th
Happy #WorldSleepDay! World Sleep Day is all about promoting sleep as an essential part of good health. But who has time to get enough quality sleep every night? If you cut back on sleep in an effort to get more done in a day, it turns out you may be doing more harm than good. Find out why.
Manage Your Time to Get Better Rest (youtube.com)
Sleep and Weight Management
Have you ever thought about using sleep as a tool to get to your optimal body weight? It’s true! Whether you are already at your healthy weight or working your way towards it, Dr. Anne Morse breaks down why sleep is as important as diet and exercise in getting you there.
Sleep Week
Sleep and Mental Health
Social Media Post: Believe it or not, sleep can have a huge impact on your mental health – and your mental health can impact your sleep! Watch as Dr. Anne Morse describes the two-way link between sleep and mental health and provides strategies to help calm your mind before bed.
Sleep Week
Have you ever woken up after a bad night’s sleep and had the feeling it was just going to be an awful day? Unfortunately, it’s not just you who suffers when you don’t get restorative sleep. Find out how sleep can impact your relationships.
Sleep Week
Monday, March 11th: Happy Sleep Week!
Happy National Sleep Awareness Week! Doctors once thought sleep was just a temporary period of inactivity, almost like a brief coma. Spoiler alert: they were wrong! Watch as Dr. Anne Morse explains why better health starts with a better night’s rest.
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? How to Know (youtube.com)
Check out resources on the Wake Up and Learn program tab on this website.
Mindful Minutes Challenge for February 2024
Collect 100 Mindful Minutes in the Calm App, February 1-29, 2024! By completing the consent form in the link below and completing the challenge you will receive 40pts towards your incentive in the health advocate system.

December 2023 Newsletter
Sleep Survey Through Geisinger Wake Up and Learn
This is the link to the Combined Sleep Questionnaire survey. After completing the survey, you are given immediate feedback as to whether your responses indicate a high or low risk for sleep problems. Those in the high-risk category will be given the opportunity to complete a more comprehensive online survey (Alliance Sleep Questionnaire, ASQ). The ASQ, which is reviewed by a program-affiliated sleep professional, allows for the identification of specific sleep pathology, and includes depression and anxiety screeners. Participants are sent a personalized letter outlining the finding of the ASQ and offering strategies to address the identified sleep problem(s). (This is a confidential program-no one will know the results of your surveys except the Geisinger Wake Up and Learn Team).
You will receive 75 points for participating in the sleep survey program if you are participating in the Embrace your path wellness program. The Combined Sleep questionnaire survey must be completed by October 31st.
You can either click the link or use the QR code to take the survey!
