Toddlers vs Teenagers

As we are stuck at home with either Toddlers or Teenagers or little people in between, they all present with challenges.  I have been emailing with employees who are now at home with their children and needing attention.  I joked with them that I would gladly trade their toddlers for my teenagers.  While we may think that toddlers need more interaction than teenagers, need games to play, activities to do, or general cuddling and holding, I am finding that teenagers may need some similar attention as well.  Certainly not to the extent of toddlers or little people, but teenagers tend to understand a little more about whats going on in the world and it can make them a little more anxious.  And although I am not an expert, I can offer a few pieces of advice (you know after being stuck at home for four days now with two teenagers, and everyone is still alive and kicking.)  First they still need some of their independence.  I have a college kid that is now stuck at home doing online learning through his college.  Having to transition in a matter of a week to moving out of college, living at home and not going to physical classes hasn’t been easy.  They still need to be hugged and be reassured that this isn’t permanent.  I also have a second teenager at home who is a sophomore in HS who doesn’t know when she will go back to school or see her friends.  Luckily in this day and age, most teenagers are connected via social media so they can see their friends and talk with them.  Teenagers tend to have lots of questions about situations such as these and although most of us have never been through a pandemic (thank goodness), answer them honestly and directly.  If you aren’t sure, there are sites such as the CDC, WHO and Johns Hopkins that have great information that is up to date.  I am listing them below this blog or better yet, have them do some research and share it with the family.  One very important thing I had to do with my teenagers after telling them both “no” to going out with friends, was what the ramifications are by NOT practicing social distancing. They both drive, they both want to spend this time with their friends.  It’s hard and it’s affecting all of us, but my husband and I are modeling that behavior by not going out and being with people.  There are many activities to do with teenagers and toddlers such as family meal time.  Make sure that is an important part of everyone’s day, it’s been a great opportunity to have both teenagers home, no sports or other activities and getting to eat a meal together again!!  We also instituted family game night where each person picks a game each night and we play together.  Last night my daughter and I kicked the boys behinds in Euchre!  Tonite its bananagrams, chosen by my son.  My daughter and I usually lose badly to my husband and son who are both wordsmith people!  And although it’s been a long time since I had toddlers or little people, create workstations around your house for them, such as a coloring station, a puzzle station and physical activity station.  Schedule in downtime where they play by themselves with a book and maybe a little screen time or video time.  Remember they are also uncertain during this time because mom and dad are possibly both home and it’s not the norm.  I have also listed below a PDF sent to me by Health advocate on resources for online learning  Many museums around the US have a host of online activities or are now putting their exhibits online such as the Baltimore Aquarium.  So go check it out.  

And remember to take some downtime for yourself!  Take care and remember this is temporary!!!

SupportingAt-HomeChildren-During Corona Virus



What can you and I do?

In this time of social distancing, it doesn’t mean that you cannot go out for a walk and soak up the sunshine.  It means keep connected with your friends and family on social media, facetime, instagram or whatever else you are on to connect to people.  (My kids laugh and say “mom’s on the gram!”)  Just today I sent a text out to my very best friends all in one group.  I wanted to know how they were doing, how they were coping, what their kids were doing (some of them have kids all across the country working), but it helps to let them know I care and want to know.  One of my friends has been fighting a little anxiety knowing her parents have been stuck in another country trying to get home-they found out today they are on a plane back home.  It helps to connect and talk about your feelings, if you are anxious, if you need help with something, tell someone!  I found out last night that my brother and my brother in law will be out of job on Friday as they both work for the same small business in Ohio.   Even though I don’t live close, I can still connect with them and offer a listening ear.  Part of what makes a great community is we look out for one another.  When I went to get the paper this morning, there was a note on my door from a neighbor down the street letting us know that if we are elderly or immuno-compromised to give her a call and she will help out with grocery or pharmacy runs or anything else we need.  In these trying times of keeping our physical distance, it doesn’t mean we cannot connect.  Reach out to your friends, make a phone call, send a text or a message on facebook; reach out to your neighbors or coworkers and let them know you are there!  You may connect with someone who needs something right at that moment and you just made their day by asking.  And just to make your health and wellness coordinator happy, go for a walk!!  You have no excuses now!  Take care, be safe, wash your hands and know that I am there with you.  And if you need a listening ear, email me at, and I can always call you if you need someone to talk to.

Working from Home

As you know most offices are closed within districts and IU’s with all the school closures.  I have however set up shop in my house with my computer and most everything I need.  I am still available to answer questions and and if you are interested in health coaching we can still do that via zoom or teleconference.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need to talk.  My email is

Please stay safe, wash your hands and you can still get some fresh air and walks in!  Take care!


Important Information Regarding Preventative Screenings (not including annual physical)

Please upload the preventative screenings into the Health Advocate system.  This includes cervical, mammogram, vision, dermatology, colonoscopy and prostate screenings.  Click on Receive preventative screenings on your home page To-Do list and you will see where it says to upload and put in the date.

This does not include your annual physical examination which still is sent to me.


Health Advocate Site and Points

Yes you are still seeing last year’s points.  They will close down tomorrow night.  They had to open up the system to finish a reporting tool for me, so continue to track as normal and on Friday, September 1st, you will see your normal point totals for the 17-18 year.  Sorry for the confusion.


Health Advocate Login

We have changed the login slightly as everyone is now under one organization which makes it easier for me to run challenges with the full group.

Login Directions:

Go go (do not use the previous

Click on Member login up top right or down below in middle

Use Organization LCIC (do not put school anymore)

Type in your username and password

If you are having difficulty, please try using another browser.  If that doesn’t work, please contact 1-866-695-8622.  That is the health advocate number and they should be able to help you.

Have a wonderful summer.


BeHIP incentive checks are taxable

Federal guidelines state that incentive money from wellness programs are considered as income and must be taxed.  Most districts/Penn College will be paying through payroll as we must follow federal guidelines.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.  We want to make sure that this program stays in place and continues to grow which means we must be in compliance with all rules and regulations.

I have also provided this link if you would like to read more: